If you have legally changed your name in the United Kingdom, you must update your travel passport to reflect the changes. So, if you change your surname when you get married, you will have to update your passport. Updating your passport is important not only for identification purposes but also to ensure that you can travel without any problems.:
- Your name
- Gender change
- Your appearance – in the event your appearance has changed (for example, due to plastic surgery) and you may not be recognised when compared to your passport photo.
After you get married, your next task is to update your name change details with the relevant authorities and businesses. Once you have the marriage certificate, you can then begin the process of changing your name. You will need to provide proof of your name change to businesses and organisations, such as your employer, bank and doctor. In most cases, a copy of your marriage certificate will suffice. It’s important to keep in mind that you don’t have to change your name if you don’t want to – it’s entirely up to you. However, if you do decide to change your name, updating your name change details is a straightforward process that shouldn’t take too much time or effort..