UK Certificates Blog

Help! I’ve Lost My Son’s/Daughter’s Birth Certificate It’s UK law that all births in England, Wales and Northern Ireland must be registered within 42 days of a child being born. Typically, these births will be registered either at the hospital, or at the local registry office for either the area where the baby was born.

How to Order an Adoption Birth Certificate There are any number of reasons why you may need a birth certificate. If you’re adopting a child, or are an adopted child, it’s important that you have your adoption birth certificate.

How to Replace a Stolen Birth Certificate Discovering that your birth certificate has been stolen is a stressful experience. Determine your next steps by reading on.

Long vs. Short Birth Certificate: What’s the Difference? Whether you’re looking to enrol your child in school, or are planning a marriage, you’ll need a birth certificate. With that said, it can be difficult to know which kind of document you need, as a birth certificate can come in both a long and short form.

What Documents are Required for Birth Certificate? Ordering a replacement birth certificate can seem like a daunting task – but it doesn’t have to be. Read on to find out how UK Official Certificates can help with your application.

What is an Apostille Birth Certificate? A birth certificate is an official document that records the birth of a person in a particular country. Birth certificates are available in both short and long versions, and are vital for any range of applications and official procedures.

Like applying for any official document of identity, there is specific criteria to determine your eligibility. Additionally, you will need to supply identification documents to prove your identity at the time of application. A UK Birth Certificate or Adoption Certificate are some of the documents that you will need.

A marriage certificate is more than just a piece of paper–it’s a document that records one of the most important moments in a couple’s life. But this certificate doesn’t just disappear after the wedding. For future generations, it provides meaning and helps to complete the picture of their family tree. A marriage certificate can help… Continue reading »

It’s a common question about marriage certificates – how do you change passport details in the UK? If you have legally changed your name in the United Kingdom, you must update your travel passport to reflect the changes. So, if you change your surname when you get married, you will have to update your passport. … Continue reading »

If you’re planning a trip outside Britain for the first time with your child, then you need to apply for what is known as a first child passport. Leaving the application of your first child passport until it’s too late may spell disaster for your planned holiday. It would be best to consider doing this… Continue reading »